Blick auf die zahlreichen Teilnehmer einer Versammlung auf der Rundbank im Lichthof des dpa-Newsrooms in Berlin.

Ownership & management

dpa is Germany's largest news agency and is managed by the Executive Board and the Editorial Board. The Supervisory Board acts as the controlling body.

Structure of dpa

dpa is a limited liability company with around 170 shareholders. Newspaper and magazine publishers, as well as broadcasting companies hold the shares.

Each dpa shareholder can only acquire up to 1.5% of the share capital. Further limits have been set, capping the overall share capital for all public broadcasters at 15% in total, and 25% for all public and private broadcasters combined. This prevents any one shareholder from acquiring a majority stake. Governments, institutions, and organizations are customers of dpa, but they do not hold shares.

The Supervisory Board of dpa represents a cross-section of shareholders, ranging from regional and national publishers to newspaper associations and public and private broadcasting companies. The Supervisory Board's task is to oversee the company's management, business operations, and editorial staff. The term of office of the members elected by the shareholders' meeting is three years.


Ownership & management

dpa-Chefredakteur Sven Gösmann

Sven Gösmann

Silke Brüggemeier Stellv. dpa-Chefredakteurin und Chefin Visuelles

Silke Brüggemeier

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Visuals
Astrid Maier, Stellv. dpa-Chefredakteurin und Chefin Strategie

Astrid Maier

Deputy-Editor-in-Chief and Head of Strategy
Jutta Steinhoff Stellv. dpa-Chefredakteurin und Chefin Netz

Jutta Steinhoff

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Finance and Human Resources
dpa group
Digital services for editorial offices, IT services, products and services for press relations and communications

The subsidiaries and affiliates of the dpa group offer a wide range of solutions for the entire media and communications industry.

Figures, history & awards
The most important facts about dpa

For more than seven decades, dpa has been reporting about Germany and the world. When was dpa founded? How many dpa locations are there? Which awards have been presented to dpa journalists?